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Youghiogheny River Lake, Pennsylvania
Youghiogheny Lake Pennsylvania

The Youghiogheny River Lake Recreation Area is a 16-mile long lake managed by the U.S. Corps of Engineers. It's one of the premier water sports and boating lakes in southwestern Pennsylvania and has many opportunities for nearby camping, hiking, fishing, boating, and swimming.

This is a popular spot for outdoor enthusiasts. In fact, the lake attracts more than one million visitors annually.

Youghiogheny River Lake is a human-made lake created by damming the Youghiogheny River near Confluence, Pennsylvania. The lake spans the Mason-Dixon line between Maryland and Pennsylvania, with a maximum depth of 121 feet and an average depth of 54 feet.

The lake is surrounded by mountains and deep valleys and is a popular destination for boating, fishing, camping, hunting, and enjoying the outdoors.

Backwater areas around the lake are full of fish, and anglers consider it a hotspot for smallmouth bass and walleye, while the waters around the dam are rich with trout.

The lake and the river are both very popular with boaters. For about 20 miles from the dam, kayakers and canoers can enjoy clear waters and scenic banks.

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